Sunday, July 26, 2009


Did I mention Jonah has learned to laugh hysterically?

Summer Daze

We spent a lovely summer day at Marrowstone Island enjoying the delights from the Nordland store as well as the peaceful scenery.

Jonah seemed rather interested in sampling the brew but was a bit turned off by the smell

We are grinning here as we gaze down at our lovely babe who is learning all about the world every moment of every day.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Daddy and Jonah

I'm a lucky woman as I have 2 handsome men in the house, 3 if you count Fela Puppy. Note how Jason and Jonah share their exquisite head shape. Some people say he looks just like his Daddy, others say he's the spitting image of his Mama. A guy named RandGor says he looks like a combination of his Grandfathers. I say he's a good mix of both of us.

First Foods?

On a recent warm and gloriously sunny day, we visited our favorite local island and enjoyed ice cream, beer and Ranier cherries while overlooking the bay. Jonah was decidedly interested in the ice cream and the beer. Perhaps these will be his first foods or perhaps not.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Boys in Brown

Fela Puppy and Jonah Bubby are destined to be great friends. Fela has known Jonah since the beginning-Though Fela slept through the entire labor, he took notice when Jonah emerged from the womb and came over to welcome him to the world. 
Fela is a big dog and we've considered making a harness for him and strapping Jonah on like a jockey. But that probably isn't the best idea. 

The Art of Sitting

Jonah is working on sitting up or rather he is working on falling comfortably. He's also experimenting with rolling over onto his side and can inchworm across the bed if given something to push his feet against. He is a wriggly sweet happy baby!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jonah & Sophie

Jonah shyly shows off his newest friend, Sophie. She's a 48 year old French giraffe and feels wonderful on his sore gums. He's enjoying his new toys, but I think the thing he likes to chew on most are his hands. I can't blame him. His hands are beautiful and tasty.

Jonah, Sweet Jonah

Jonah is nearly 5 months old and is loving life. He enjoys long walks in the Ergo, letting Fela lick his hands and grabbing fistfuls of his Mum's hair. He has also discovered how to laugh hysterically.